Wanna try CabraTec efoil before you buy it? Go to https://www.wakepointholoubkov.com/

Wanna try CabraTec efoil before you buy it? Go to https://www.wakepointholoubkov.com/
3 short videos from our visit of Lefkas – Greece.
Coming with 4 screens:
Waterproof, floatable, ergonomic.
Use hall effect sensor to measure trigger position.
About 12 hours operating time.
Wifi updatable when new features will be released.
Nice visit from nice people
Playing with EasyGoat in Eidfjord and NorthSea close to the Bergen in Norway.
The intention was to capture cutting Ice when riding.
Until we realised that this one has about 5 to 15 cm. And the ice became our port pier.
EasyGoat in Norway from Cabratec – electric hydrofoil on Vimeo.
We love winter, but EasyGoat does not like ice. Finally the season is coming.
The goal was simple. Affordable motorized surfboard, easy to ride and easy to transport.
Engineering and testing took us all 2017, but now EasyGoat is ready.
Various prototypes has been tested. While hard-board can be really beautiful, the inflatable-board is useful.
Small when packed, indestructible, tender when hitting you.